Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Debut Match Continued...

   As Rahul described the importance of alcohol in friendship, I agreed to him and took my chair. Rahul started arranging the stuffs in the table. He first picked three plates from the bunch, kept on the table and put them in the center. Then he picked some snack items from the plastic bag and kept on one of the plate. Then he put some salt, onion, mint and chilly on one side of second plate and peanuts on the other side. On the third plate, he kept chicken wings. All the side dishes got ready and we were eagerly waiting for the main course. Then Rahul took two bottles from his messenger bag. The bottles looked yellow with some yellowish-red colored liquid inside it. Rahul threw one of the bottle towards me and said "Feel it man". I caught the bottle. This was the first time, I was holding a whiskey bottle in my hand. I turned the bottle from one end to other, top to bottom, watched the label and then read it "Royal Stag". I handed it over to Shiva and made a long breath "Hmmmmm".
"Dude, call it RS" Rahul said. We smiled.

Then Rahul took the bottle in his right hand and bashed it from the bottom with his left hand palm. He then slowly opened the upper lid and threw it to the dustbin. He took the bottle near to his nose and smelled it. He behaved in such a way that we thought like he smelled an eternal smell. But he didn't. He took the three glasses and put them in a line. He then took the glass one by one, lifted up to his eye level and poured the whiskey. Then he mixed the cold drink in all , passed the glasses to us and said in a firm voice "Lets start".

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